January 21, 2017 / by Marco / Categories : Other
I came across a great product for removing paint from my plastic chairs and wanted to share this with my readers. About 10 years ago, I used my plastic stools from Ikea to do a painting job. The chairs ended up having paint stains on it and over the years I’ve tried to remove it but it never came out until recently. I used a product called Goof Off which I purchased from Bunnings (the hardware store) and it immediately removed the paint. It was quick and very easy to remove the paint marks which have been there for over 10 years. It is now gone thanks to this product.
Have a look at this video.
If you need to purchase this product you can get it from below:
You just need to make sure you are able to use it on the material you intend to remove the paint from. There are some surfaces eg. shoes which can cause damage if used with this product – always check before using it by applying on a small surface. Also, the chemicals in this product are quite strong so make sure you wear gloves and check the warning statement as it’s banned in the state of California.
If it worked for you, please leave me a comment below.
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