The Ultimate Productivity Bundle for $19

January 20, 2018   /   by Marco  / Categories :  Business, deals, design, entrepreneur, website
The Ultimate Productivity Bundle for $19
27 Hours of Tips & Tools From the World’s Most Successful People to Unleash A More Productive You
Expires July 20, 2022 23:59 PST
Buy now and get 98% off

How To Find Your Life Purpose & Maximize Your Impact


In this course, you’ll learn the entire, step-by-step framework used by some of the most successful people in history to help you find your life’s purpose so you can make an impact on the world. You’ll discover the mindsets, principles, and action behind finding your purpose. Going through the “2 Part Purpose Mindset,” the “8 Purpose Principles,” and the “3 Step Purpose Action Plan,” you’ll discover skills and philosophies that will help you for life.

  • Access 48 lectures & 2.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn why you need to discover your purpose now
  • Discover the essential mindset you need to adopt to find your purpose
  • Understand what you can learn from Mozart, Obama, Spielberg, Michelangelo, Einstein, & more
  • Explore three scientifically-proven action steps to achieving anything
  • Get five tools you can use to get the answers you need


Details & Requirements

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Internet required


Brandon Hakim is on a quest to give you the education you’ll never get in school. The things that the world’s highest achievers spent their entire lives discovering, that no professor or teacher will ever tell you. Because when he was in college, he was mad. He’d just read a book and everything inside was the opposite of what he was learning in all his classes.

So he ran into the dean’s office and said, “I’m literally learning more from the books I get on Amazon for five bucks than these classes that cost thousands of dollars each!” And all she had to say was… they’re working on it!

So when he walked out that day, Brandon swore he’d teach himself the things he should have learned in school. And he started reading lots of books and realized one big thing: Everyone who’s excelled in any area of life knew things we’re never taught in school. They were Insiders.

They discovered the truth about finding their purpose and creating a perfect vision to work towards. Or about motivation and productivity, financial freedom, having authentic relationships, changing the world, persuading people, learning incredibly quickly or celebrating their hundredth birthday still in perfect health.

So if you want to live a life miles beyond the “regular” life, you’ll have to learn less from a classroom, and more from the people who have actually gotten the things you want. And Brandon’s goal is to condense tens of thousands of pages of reading in different subjects to help you become way more productive and make a lasting impact on the world.

27 Life-Changing Lessons From the Smartest People in History


Time to learn the things no professor or teacher will ever tell you. The world’s highest achievers discovered the truth about finding their purpose and creating a perfect vision to work towards. These simple and surprising lessons from history’s smartest people will show you what you should have learned in school, and completely transform every area of your life.

  • Access 35 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn Steve Job’s one belief that made everything he did possible
  • Discover Einstein’s trick that can help you find your purpose & love your work
  • Understand the Buddha’s secret to finally enjoying every second of your life
  • Explore a Roman emperor’s mantra for inner peace
  • Study the secrets of Aristotle, Charles Darwin, Warren Buffett, Larry King, & more


Details & Requirements

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Internet required


Brandon Hakim is on a quest to give you the education you’ll never get in school. The things that the world’s highest achievers spent their entire lives discovering, that no professor or teacher will ever tell you. Because when he was in college, he was mad. He’d just read a book and everything inside was the opposite of what he was learning in all his classes.

So he ran into the dean’s office and said, “I’m literally learning more from the books I get on Amazon for five bucks than these classes that cost thousands of dollars each!” And all she had to say was… they’re working on it!

So when he walked out that day, Brandon swore he’d teach himself the things he should have learned in school. And he started reading lots of books and realized one big thing: Everyone who’s excelled in any area of life knew things we’re never taught in school. They were Insiders.

They discovered the truth about finding their purpose and creating a perfect vision to work towards. Or about motivation and productivity, financial freedom, having authentic relationships, changing the world, persuading people, learning incredibly quickly or celebrating their hundredth birthday still in perfect health.

So if you want to live a life miles beyond the “regular” life, you’ll have to learn less from a classroom, and more from the people who have actually gotten the things you want. And Brandon’s goal is to condense tens of thousands of pages of reading in different subjects to help you become way more productive and make a lasting impact on the world.

Become A Speed Reading Machine: Read 300 Books This Year


In this course, you’ll learn the entire, step-by-step blueprint the instructor uses to read over 300 book per year. Reading isn’t just something you should do, it’s something you must do if you want to live your dreams. You’ll learn how to pick the right books for success, how to comprehend them at an incredible rate, and apply their lessons to your life.

  • Access 67 lectures & 3.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand why everything you learned in school stops you from reading more than 20 books per year
  • Discover a hidden benefit of reading that will make you want to read every single day
  • Learn a little known trick that can instantly double your reading speed
  • Explore ‘The Double Time Solution,’ a simple thing you can do to read twice as much without spending any extra time
  • Know how to use what you learn from books to make more money


Details & Requirements

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Internet required


Brandon Hakim is on a quest to give you the education you’ll never get in school. The things that the world’s highest achievers spent their entire lives discovering, that no professor or teacher will ever tell you. Because when he was in college, he was mad. He’d just read a book and everything inside was the opposite of what he was learning in all his classes.

So he ran into the dean’s office and said, “I’m literally learning more from the books I get on Amazon for five bucks than these classes that cost thousands of dollars each!” And all she had to say was… they’re working on it!

So when he walked out that day, Brandon swore he’d teach himself the things he should have learned in school. And he started reading lots of books and realized one big thing: Everyone who’s excelled in any area of life knew things we’re never taught in school. They were Insiders.

They discovered the truth about finding their purpose and creating a perfect vision to work towards. Or about motivation and productivity, financial freedom, having authentic relationships, changing the world, persuading people, learning incredibly quickly or celebrating their hundredth birthday still in perfect health.

So if you want to live a life miles beyond the “regular” life, you’ll have to learn less from a classroom, and more from the people who have actually gotten the things you want. And Brandon’s goal is to condense tens of thousands of pages of reading in different subjects to help you become way more productive and make a lasting impact on the world.

How To Double Your Productivity By Tomorrow Morning: 12 Step Guide


Go through this course today and you’ll be twice as productive before you go to bed tonight. Most of us have never learned the right way to manage our time so we’re only a fraction as productive as we could be. In this course, you’ll learn a time management formula to maximize your productivity potential.

  • Access 195 lectures & 2.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand that difference between managing your time & investing it
  • Get that “shoot out of bed, excited for the day” mindset every day
  • Learn why rituals are the key to productivity
  • Get advice from the world’s most famous management thinker on how to know what to work on in the first place
  • Discover how to follow through on this step-by-step formula & measure how productive you are


Details & Requirements

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Internet required


Brandon Hakim is on a quest to give you the education you’ll never get in school. The things that the world’s highest achievers spent their entire lives discovering, that no professor or teacher will ever tell you. Because when he was in college, he was mad. He’d just read a book and everything inside was the opposite of what he was learning in all his classes.

So he ran into the dean’s office and said, “I’m literally learning more from the books I get on Amazon for five bucks than these classes that cost thousands of dollars each!” And all she had to say was… they’re working on it!

So when he walked out that day, Brandon swore he’d teach himself the things he should have learned in school. And he started reading lots of books and realized one big thing: Everyone who’s excelled in any area of life knew things we’re never taught in school. They were Insiders.

They discovered the truth about finding their purpose and creating a perfect vision to work towards. Or about motivation and productivity, financial freedom, having authentic relationships, changing the world, persuading people, learning incredibly quickly or celebrating their hundredth birthday still in perfect health.

So if you want to live a life miles beyond the “regular” life, you’ll have to learn less from a classroom, and more from the people who have actually gotten the things you want. And Brandon’s goal is to condense tens of thousands of pages of reading in different subjects to help you become way more productive and make a lasting impact on the world.

Make More, Work Less: Time Management + Productivity Course


Often times in life, we are our worst enemies. Learn to overcome these self-inflicted barriers and unlock your maximum potential by diving into the nitty gritty of your daily habits. This course will teach you to make small changes every day that will have a huge impact on your success. Start today and never say “I’m too busy” again.

  • Improve your daily habits w/ 52 lectures & 5.5 hours of content
  • Study ways to output great work in less time
  • Learn to easily make hard decisions
  • Get help managing your time
  • Ask yourself the right questions to discover bad habits
  • Overcome your biggest barriers to success


Details & Requirements

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Internet required


Jerry Banfield has been an online entrepreneur since 2011, having served hundreds of clients in over 20 countries and managed billions of Facebook ads. He has learned how to drive large amounts of organic Google and YouTube traffic to his website, and teaches online courses sharing his experience with students worldwide. A member of the MENSAsociety, Jerry holds degrees from the University of South Carolina and the University of South Florida.

Entrepreneur Productivity Hacks


If you’re looking to make your business or personal life (or both) run in the most efficient way possible, this is the course for you. Expert instructor Joel Widmer will give you a behind-the-scenes look at his business and the tools he uses to both automate and grow. You’ll be in awe of the fact that Joel can leave work for a week and come back without anyone knowing–but that’s why you’re signed up for this course. Soak in his proven strategies for making your life run like a machine, so you finally have the time to stop and smell the roses.

  • Learn to save more time & make more money w/ 5 hours & 30 lectures of training
  • Determine what you’re spending time on each hour of the day
  • Evaluate whether that time is actually making you money or not
  • Create step-by-step systems to continue & grow your business without you being there
  • Study the exact questions to qualify people you hire
  • Leverage your strengths & delegate your weaknesses
  • Start outsourcing projects for as little as $5
  • Be a more effective communicator: close more deals, hold shorter meetings & master email
  • Use a tool that stops you from writing the same email twice
  • Learn the secret to starting every day off successfully


Details & Requirements

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Internet required


Joel Widmer is a digital marketing strategist who helps businesses make great marketing more predictable. He’s the the founder of Fluxe Digital Marketing, a marketing shop that specializes in content marketing and strategic consulting for businesses and authors. When he’s not working, he’s on the never-ending search for the perfect hamburger, snowboarding or longboarding.

He’s helped over 30 signed authors launch their books with guest blog tours, and worked with them to get hundreds of guest blog posts on some of the biggest blogs online. He’s also helped marketing and sales teams become more productive and save 4-8 hours a week!

Instant Public Speaking Master Class


What’s a lightning fast way to make instant connections, grow your social capital, and network like a boss? Simply put: public speaking. It’s the foundation for social skills, emotional intelligence, and people skills, and it’s not as difficult to learn as it’s made out to be. Steve Jobs owned every single conversation, presentation, and product-launch that he was a part of. As an amazing speaker, Steve Jobs conducted the audience like an orchestra through captivating speeches and conversations around the world. Now, with the aid of this course, you can too.

  • Learn essential public speaking skills w/ 32 lectures & 3.5 hours of content
  • Always know just what to say & how to say it
  • Gain key research skills
  • Create a simple, no-brainer strategy to cope w/ fear of public speaking
  • Manage & lead w/ your authoritative voice
  • Become a better listener
  • Voice your ideas & take advantage of the influence you have
  • Improve your job interviewing skills
  • Develop strong presentation skills


Details & Requirements

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Internet required


Desmond Byram is the founder of, and six year member of the National Speakers Association. He’s a recovering perfectionist who writes about Introverted-Entrepreneurial people-skills to rock the business world we’re in.

His quote: “Entrepreneurial-Introverts; no, we’re not mad, though our skills can be.”

He also loves saying: “words are worth a thousand pictures, so paint with your voice.”

Get Things Done: How to Organize Your Life & Take Action


No matter your age, occupation, or location, this course is here to set you on the right path to make your dreams come true. Just as you follow a map to reach your destination, you’ll use a map to gain clarity in your own life and career. Follow along with the instructor as you create your own personal map, and are able to fully visualize how to successfully achieve your goals.

  • Dive into the Action Map System w/ 45 lectures, 3 hours of video content
  • Study the included, high-res workflow chart
  • Print the chart to quickly reference how to use any part of the system
  • Study the ready-to-use Action Map template to get started quickly
  • See real-world examples of how to use the system
  • Manage all aspects of your life with care
  • Set specific goals to reach–and obtain them


Details & Requirements

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: beginner


  • Internet required


Derek Franklin is not only obsessed with teaching great ideas, but also explaining how to put those great ideas into action. He has a passion for making personal development visual, simple, and fun – something that will be clear to students they progress through his course. He has written 5 best-selling print books for Adobe Press that have sold over 250,000 copies in more than a dozen languages worldwide and worked as a Creative Director, amongst other things. For more details on this course and instructor, click here.

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