
Task Eliminator

I just found a great utility to remove the task bar on Windows 7. It’s called Taskbar Eliminator and it’s developed by an Australian Based company called Aviassin. You can download the link here: What is Taskbar Eliminator? Aviassin Taskbar Eliminator is a great utility which will simply and efficiently remove the taskbar from Windows XP, […]

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Apple iphone 30pin to 19pin adaptor converter

I just read an article that apple’s new iphone5 will have a 19pin slot rather than the traditional 30pin. This means that a lot of the charger and accessories will become obsolute. Now what about getting an adaptor to convert the 30pin to 19pin? Is it feasible? You’re going from a bigger number to a […]

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YouTube Search limitations

Why is it that YouTube doesn’t have a comprehensive search function. Currently, you can filter your search based on the following criteria: uploaded today uploaded this week uploaded this month channel playlist movie show 3D HD CC longer than 20 min partner video creative commons live Why can’t you filter based on the country? DO […]

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How do you delete all the pending comments in WordPress

I fyou get annoyed at all the spammed comments in your WordPress and want to delete all these in one go then there are two options available to delete all the pending comments in your WordPress website. One way is to go into the mysql database via phpadmin and use an SQL statement and delete […]

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Chromebooks videos

I didn’t realise that there are now several manufacturers that are selling Chromebooks and  I just love the chromebook promotional videos google is using to market it’s products. Check it out: DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU’VE READ?Join our subscription list and receive our content right in your mailbox. If you like to receive some Great […]

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How do you Enable Member Registration on the BuddyPress Website

It took me a while to figure this out but it appears that the BuddyPress registration is actually managed by the WordPress member registration. All you have to do is follow these steps: Login to your WordPress administrator account Along left navigation, Click on ‘Settings’ Under ‘General Settings’, set the following value: Membership = check this box […]

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Working from home – techniques to entertain a baby

So I’m now a part-time babysitter for my 10 month old baby and also I’m working from home for a few days a week. I found it hard trying to constructively complete my work tasks and also to entertain my daughter. Sometimes I take her out for a walk in the pram which allows me […]

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Operating System for Kids

I was looking for a friendly, free and easy to setup OS for kids and came across this one I set up one of my old laptop with a 4G USB drive and install the OS on it. When the laptop boots it loads the Kids Operating system. DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU’VE READ?Join […]

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Real Estate Auction using lowest unique bidding

The “lowest unique bidding” has been around for quite a number of years now and the way it works is that items are for sale by using a reverse auction process. Rather than the bidder with the highest bid winning (as is the case in traditional auctions), the winner is the person who has the […]

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Weird! The huggable communication medium with a heartbeat. Would you buy it?

I just came across this video about a huggable thingyamagig that you can insert your phone into. The system contains some vibrators and microcontrollers which match the characteristics of the callers voice. This will provide people with a richer communication experience… really? It all sounds too weird for me but have a look at the […]

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May 30, 2012   /   by Marco   /   , ,

Open Source Grep tool for searching and replacing text within files

Open Source Grep tool for searching and replacing text within files

I personally find it difficult to use text editors or command lines for searching and replacing text and that’s why I would recommend you use GrepWin – a windows version of grep. The tool is free and can be found here: The tool is quite handy for replacing text within certain files ie. select […]

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Testing your Samsung App on Smart TVs

I was interested about the Smart Tvs and discovered that Samsung has step by step instruction on how to test your Smart TV app and here’s the link. But before you even do that you would need to understand what the development process is and here’s the info. DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU’VE […]

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