Futures trading is a financial instrument which is close to speculation. The essence is that two parties bet on the future value of a commodity. It may be gold or grains, or assets. The parties make a contract indicating the end date when they have to fulfill their obligations and the price. The party that […]
The last year has arguably been the year of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, as well as other cryptocurrencies, have seen spectacular growth in 2017 and the trend is likely to continue during this year. According to predictions, the cryptocurrency market will hit a staggering value of $1 trillion in 2018. However, the cryptocurrency market is still a […]
If you’re looking to start mining Verge coins then this is an article you must read. I’ve written the instructions based on my own mining experience and learnings. They are relatively simple to follow and anyone with some patience and persistence can start mining Verge coins. Some information about the Verge coins: There will be […]
Seems like everyone is getting into the Cryptocurrency and trying to buy alt coins that will go up in value. I recently looked at seeing how easy it is to mine coins and decided to look at mining a Cryptocurrency coin which did not rely on GPU’s. This is to make it fair for miners […]