Have you tried uploading your captured videos straight from your phone to YouTube? Have you noticed that some of your videos have been automatically been tagged as SHORTS. There are a few ways to make sure this does not happen and most importantly, you just have to make sure you don’t record your videos in […]
Have you stopped receiving YouTube comment notifications? You may have accidentally disabled the notifications and in this post, we will show you how to turn them back on. Read the complete instructions here: How to turn on comment notifications on YouTube Or watch the below video: Hopefully, you will now be able to respond to […]
I just received an email from YouTube about changes to their announcement to the YouTube Partner Program and it really SUCKS. Here’s the email: The main changes before your channel can monetize your videos are: – 4,000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months – 1,000 subscribers I don’t have a huge following […]
For the past few years I’ve been ranting (YouTube enhancement playlist and YouTube Playlist enhancements) about YouTube playlists missing an important feature which is the SORT button. Basically, when you watch a video playlist on YouTube, the videos are listed in the order when they were uploaded, meaning that the first episode is the last video on the list. Now, who […]
Ok, so by now you would probably know I’m an avid and passionate user of Google products. I have used YouTube since the early days and have seen it evolve to become the most powerful video tool on the Internet. However, there’s an area that I’m really annoyed about and want to rant about it […]
Here’s a quick and easy way to trim your Youtube videos. Especially if you have already uploaded the video and just want to remove part of the ending. You can watch the video or follow the below instructions: The steps are: Login to your Youtube Account Click on the Wheel at the top right […]
So you’re looking at trying to earn some money from your videos on Youtube. Here’s what you need to do and what you should be aware of: If you haven’t done so already, create a Gmail account. Click your account name on the top right hand corner Click Settings Click Channel Monetization and click on […]
I’m a regular youtuber (is there such a word?) and watch overseas singing shows in the US like The Voice, American Idol, X Factor and the list goes on. There are several things that bug me when I use Youtube and I listed them below: 1. I believe by default (depending on the uploader) , […]