Check these out

I jotted these down before I forget. I'm also sharing some awesome deals you may want!

May 31, 2011   /   by Marco   /   , , , , , , , , ,

How to Automatically BCC in Outlook 2010

How to Automatically BCC in Outlook 2010

So today I wanted to automatically add in the BCC my gmail account so that I can easily retrieve and archive sent messages from Outlook 2010. WIthin 4 minutes I was able to get this working thanks to these instructions: Now if you’re like me and want to backup your outlook information then you […]

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EeePC 1000H recovery instructions

After a painstaking weekend, I finally managed to perform a recovery on my EeePC. Now this was probably the third time I actually performed a recovery but each time I do this, I seem to forget the procedures and steps so I decided to blog about it. That way I have the option of coming […]

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Website is down

Our main website is down at the moment as we’re in the process of revamping this website. We will definately have a better website for you all in the next few months so watch this space. Our Sponsors Become a Sponsor for $45. Limit to 5 sponsors.Company Name : Email : Website : Description […]

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OffiSync – GoogleDocs plugin for Office

If you’re like me, I love GoogleDocs and it’s innovative features. I basically use GoogleDocs for everything, including drawing pictures. The main advantages for using GoogleDocs is the fact that your documents are all stored on the cloud and what’s more amazing is that you can share documents, spreadsheets and drawings with your colleagues or […]

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Resume – The improvement process

So I was on the train this week and the guy in front of me had his laptop out. I obviously had the urge just to take a quick peek to see what he was working on and I was surprised to see what he was doing. He was working on his resume which is […]

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May 17, 2011   /   by Marco   /   , , , , , , ,

Google Gmail Problems

Google Gmail Problems

Today, I experienced a few issues with google gmail. The first issue was quite strange, when I looked at an email with an attachment it would normally have a link to download or view the attachment. In my case, I had two links saying view. As you can see from the image, the email conversation […]

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Cockroaches are damn annoying

I just saw a cockroach crawling in my office and I asked myself whether the room was filthy or if I need to call the pest control guy. I think everyone finds these creatures annoying. Our Sponsors Become a Sponsor for $45. Limit to 5 sponsors.Company Name : Email : Website : Description : Upload […]

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I love technology

I love technology and the fact that technology helps us achieve so many things. If you look around you, technology is everywhere. You’re using the Internet and Computer right this instant… can you imagine living without this. What about your mobile phone? When I was back in high school mobile phones didn’t exist but look […]

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This week I had to prepare a discussion for a kids workshop on the topic of friendship. From the research I conducted I realised how important it is to have good friends around you and I eventually got emotional after thinking about my own life. There was an interesting quote relating to friendship which is […]

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How do you convert leads to sales?

Over the past several years, my company received quite a number of leads from large reputable businesses and just reviewing this today I asked myself, “How do you convert leads to sales?”. I mean, there must be a technique or a well thought out process that successful businesses must be using. What is it? Obviously, […]

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Use HTTPS for

Are you using a secure connection to your facebook account? I know how important it is to ensure you have the most secure settings for your facebook profile and I accidentally stumbled across this one – using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). For those non techies out there this basically encrypts and secures information between […]

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Goodbye Osama Bin Laden dead

It’s all over the news and I was shocked when I heard this but it looks like Osama Bin Laden is dead according to media reports. I can’t believe it’s been almost been 10 years since the September 11 bombings. Our Sponsors Become a Sponsor for $45. Limit to 5 sponsors.Company Name : Email : […]

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