If you’re looking at starting to build a web or mobile apps, then you’ll need to use Prototyper. It’s has a free plan (for the 1st month) that allows you to create feature rich wireframes. Here’s a video of the system: Justinmind Prototyper from Justinmind on Vimeo. You can download the free version here: http://www.justinmind.com/prototyper/free-edition […]
I wanted to add an image on the right sidebar in WordPress but realised that I didn’t have this option. I decided to install one called Image widget here’s how it looks like: You can download the widget directly from WordPress or from here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/image-widget/screenshots/ Our Sponsors Become a Sponsor for $45. Limit to 5 sponsors.Company […]
There are two tools that I use for automatically generating the featured thumbnail in WordPress. For images I use: http://www.sanisoft.com/blog/2010/04/19/wordpress-plugin-automatic-post-thumbnail/ And for Videos http://sutherlandboswell.com/projects/wordpress-video-thumbnails/ Both work really great and make the website look really professional by having the thumbnails. Our Sponsors Become a Sponsor for $45. Limit to 5 sponsors.Company Name : Email : […]
The best way to resize an image it to ensure the image proportions are maintained, otherwise the image may look stretched or weird. When using photoshop, you can use the Image size function. You just have to make sure Constraints proportions is selected: Alternatively, you can select the image then press CTRL-T and drag […]
My 11 month daughter likes to watch her photos of herself on my wife’s iPhone. There has been several times when she accidentally deleted some of the photos from her phone. After a bit of researching I found out that there is an app called Photector that protects your photos. You basically need to enter […]
I’m a regular youtuber (is there such a word?) and watch overseas singing shows in the US like The Voice, American Idol, X Factor and the list goes on. There are several things that bug me when I use Youtube and I listed them below: 1. I believe by default (depending on the uploader) , […]
On the weekend, I went with my wife and kids to Ikea to buy a large mirror for the dining area. Something that I promised I would get my wife a few months ago. The mirror that she wanted was called HEMNES http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/80171842/ Here’s a picture below: Sometimes I get a bit nervous hanging things on a plasterboard […]
I don’t know how many times I keep forgetting about this website called Netcraft http://news.netcraft.com/ and I thought it was time to blog about it so that I can easily come back and search for it. Anyways, this is a website I use to check a website hosting providers performance, uptime, what OS they are running etc. […]
We are in the process of getting our smartphone apps developed and I stumbled across this question: Do we need to have two designs if we were going to develop an Android and iPhone app? Have a read of this article http://johnnyholland.org/2010/09/android-iphone-app-design-is-it-twice-the-work/ Having used an iPhone and an Android the user experience on both is entirely […]
Yesterday I upgraded my Android Samsung Galaxy S2 to the latest version of Resurrection Remix (3.0.1). There’s quite a few good features on this latest kernel but what I found most interesting is this pink hat icon in the toggles. You think I’m going crazy? Here’s what I’m talking about. Here’s the ROM version […]
One of my friends recently asked me for some advice on what brand and model of a fax machine he should get for work. He discovered his work fax machine died because of the constant use. When he asked me what type of fax machine we use for our own business I told him that […]
Ok, so if you’re like me and you want to increase your blog readership subscription then you may be in luck. I use WordPress for my blog and the following plugins: Displet Pop – this plugin creates a nice pop and has many features WP Autoresponder – allows you to create a newsletter so your […]