Tag Archive: click
March 13, 2012 / by Marco / algorithm, apprentice, assassin, casual staff, click, fbi, google, hitman, how to hire a hitman, instant, member, organisation, process, prostitute, result, Search, search terms, spat, staff member

Evil Google Instant Search – How to hire a
I wanted to look at the process on how to hire a casual staff member and when using google instant search I was surprised at the results. As soon as I typed “how to hire a” Google instant search suggested the following results: how to hire a hitman how to hire an apprentice how to […]
read moreFebruary 25, 2012 / by Marco / click, CSV, csv file, download, execution times, Godaddy, import tool, Jigoshop, number, post, Splitter, Store, tool, way, wordpress plugin

CSV Splitter
In a previous post https://www.businesslegions.com/blog/2012/02/12/csv-import-for-jigoshop-wordpress-plugin/, I talked about using the CSV import tool for Jigoshop and how useful it was to import products into your store. I stumbled into a problem with Godaddy hosting, which prevents changing the hard limits on execution times. This means that after 2 minutes, the script times out. Now this […]
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Jigoshop Store Toolkit
In one of my previous posts, I provided a guideline on how to import products into your Jigoshop by using a CSV file. Now, if something went wrong during the import, how do you delete all the products from the store so you can re-import the list? Well there’s a plugin for that. It’s called […]
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CSV Import for Jigoshop WordPress plugin
Jigoshop must be one of the easiest and most comprehensive e-commerce wordpress plugins available on the market. I started using this plugin and love the way you can just purchase and install themes for Jigoshop. Adding products to Jigoshop is very easy and straight forward but what happens when you want to import hundreds of […]
read moreJune 3, 2011 / by Marco / click, download, job, link, open source, PDF, PDFCreator, print, printer, source pdf, tool, use

PDFCreator – the free and open source PDF writer
If you need to use an open source PDF creator then use PDFCreator. Simple hey! I’ve used this tool for several years and it does the job. Once you install it all you have to do is select the PDFCreator printer and click print. You’ll then be asked where you want to save the file […]
read moreJune 2, 2011 / by Marco / click, culprits, docs, evidence, factor authentication, Gmail, gmail account, google, Grant, grant access, hand, journalist, login, mail settings, password, phrases, screenshot, tab, username

How to check if your Gmail account has been hacked
Firstly, my Gmail account hasn’t been hacked yet, but I came across a journalist that did. You’ve probably heard in the media that several Gmail accounts have been hacked. In this post I just wanted to share with you how you can confirm whether you’ve been hacked and what you can do about it. To […]
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