Tag Archive: Iconshock

More Than 1 Million Icons in the Iconshock Complete Icon Pack – $37!
NOW ON: More Than 1 Million Icons in the Iconshock Complete Icon Pack – $37!
Expires: December 16, 2016, 11:59 pm EST
You want icons? You got icons! Just be careful what you wish for because this Mighty Deal from Iconshock includes 405 unique icon sets for a total of more than 1 million pixel-perfect icons! With a variety of sizes, styles and themes, you’d be hardpressed to find a project that isn’t covered in this mammoth collection. Iconic indeed!
- 1 million+ pixel-perfect icons.
- 405 unique icon sets.
- Multiple styles – flat, line, iOS, minimalistic, realistic, and more.
- 25 industries covered.
- Preset image sizes – from 16×16 to 512 x 512.
- Tons of themes covered – weather, sports, food, transportation, flags, social.
Normally this ginormous set sells for $99, but for a limited time only you can get the Complete Icons Pack, featuring more than 1 million icons, for only $37! That’s a huge savings of 63% off the regular price.
Click the BUY NOW button to shock your icon toolbox today!
Deal terms:
- After completing your purchase, your name and email address will be sent to IconShock so that they can create an account for you. They will then email you your login details to gain access to the 1M icons. Accounts are created Mon-Fri 8am-6pm EST.
- You can use and modify the icons for any number of developers, designers and/or projects at one company, upon a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable Royalty-Free license.
- You can use the icons in any number of your software products, web site designs, GUI design, or printed material for you or for your clients, without having to pay additional licensing fees.
- You may not resell, rent, license, sub-license, transfer, lease or redistribute the icons.
- All artwork is provided “as is.”