Tag Archive: Jigoshop
Jigoshop to WooCommerce Migration
For those of you who are using Jigoshop and are thinking of migrating your store to WooCommerce, then you maybe in some luck. There is a document detailing how to do this and it seems quite straight forward. Why? I don’t know but there could be a few reasons. Maybe you want to use a […]
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How to display the description tab in Jigoshop Sommerce Theme
By default, Jigoshop loads the Related products tab when displaying a product. If you want to change this so that another tab (e.g Description) is displayed then follow these instructions: 1. Open the Jigoshop.php file in /wp-content/themes/sommerce/inc 2. From line 212 to 222 replace with the following: if ( get_the_content() == ” && ! yiw_if_related() […]
read moreRSS Product feed for Jigoshop WordPress
I just discovered that the RSS Product feed for your Jigoshop WordPress is http://your.url/feed/?post_type=product UPDATE: This also works with Woocommerce. DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU’VE READ?Join our subscription list and receive our content right in your mailbox. If you like to receive some Great deals our Freebies then subscribe now! Name Email
read moreHow to remove or replace (ex. tax) in Jigoshop WordPress
The Problem #1: The automated email that is sent to the customers for “pay to order” has the text (ex. tax). Changing any of the setting in jigoshop doesn’t seem make a difference. How do I change this? The Solution: It appears this is hardcoded in one of the classes. You need to edit the […]
read moreHow to update pricings for all products in jigoshop
REMEMBER to backup your database before making any changes!!! In order to change the prices for all products in your store, you will need to get into your database (mysql) and run an SQL statement. Here’s an example to change the prices for ALL PRODUCTS to 90% of the original price: update wp_postmeta set meta_value […]
read moreFebruary 25, 2012 / by Marco / click, CSV, csv file, download, execution times, Godaddy, import tool, Jigoshop, number, post, Splitter, Store, tool, way, wordpress plugin

CSV Splitter
In a previous post https://www.businesslegions.com/blog/2012/02/12/csv-import-for-jigoshop-wordpress-plugin/, I talked about using the CSV import tool for Jigoshop and how useful it was to import products into your store. I stumbled into a problem with Godaddy hosting, which prevents changing the hard limits on execution times. This means that after 2 minutes, the script times out. Now this […]
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Jigoshop Store Toolkit
In one of my previous posts, I provided a guideline on how to import products into your Jigoshop by using a CSV file. Now, if something went wrong during the import, how do you delete all the products from the store so you can re-import the list? Well there’s a plugin for that. It’s called […]
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CSV Import for Jigoshop WordPress plugin
Jigoshop must be one of the easiest and most comprehensive e-commerce wordpress plugins available on the market. I started using this plugin and love the way you can just purchase and install themes for Jigoshop. Adding products to Jigoshop is very easy and straight forward but what happens when you want to import hundreds of […]
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