Tag Archive: time
July 31, 2012 / by Marco / Autoresponder, blog, center, email marketing, issue, line, link, lt, NCjxka, plugin, td, time, wp, wpresponder

How to remove the Email Marketing by WP Autoresponder
I started using the WP Autoresponder plugin which is an awesome plugin which every blog should have. The only issue that I had was that the form embedded a link to the authors website. See the below image: I couldn’t find any options to get rid of this in the plugin and it’s something that […]
read moreOne of the best business web based online chat tools
Have you ever been to a website and noticed an icon at the bottom right hand corner asking you if you have any questions then click here to chat? I’m sure you’ve seen it before! They are on most E-commerce websites. We’ll today I’m going to recommend and market a useful product that lets businesses […]
read moreEeePC 1000H recovery instructions
After a painstaking weekend, I finally managed to perform a recovery on my EeePC. Now this was probably the third time I actually performed a recovery but each time I do this, I seem to forget the procedures and steps so I decided to blog about it. That way I have the option of coming […]
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